Monday, July 15, 2013


This video clip, What Most Schools Don't Teach, is comprised of the stories of several successful people, namely Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg. The narrative approach to persuasion is most evident right from the start of this persuasive message. They begin this video by briefly telling some of their stories- and many of us love to hear the stories of successful people, especially if these stories have any relevance to how these people became successful. We see that several of them mention their humbler beginnings prior to their knowledge and practice of coding. Later, we may easily be captivated when they explain that coding played a significant role in their lives as they became more successful in their jobs or careers.
Perhaps if they had simply crafted a message with a lone and basic thesis such as, 'You should learn coding. Coding is very useful in every field of work- no matter what career path you choose,' we might not find it as appealing or compelling. This would be even more likely for many of us are not already computer gurus. However, because they begin with the narrative in their message, this message is a very persuasive one.
Accessed from the following link:

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